
This three-week program has been designed for serious students who wish to spend extensive time in the field learning work with a broad spectrum of native wildlife. Because our instructors and staff members want to provide a very personal experience for you, participation will be limited to only 15 students. High School students, incoming freshman (14 years old) and graduating seniors (18 years old) are eligible for this program. The cost of tuition for this program is $3850, which includes all meals, a private dorm room, and all field and classroom materials for the entire program. To apply to the Program, please fill out the application and email to the Program Director, Dr. Mark Merchant, at with APPLICATION in the subject line. Once received, your application will be reviewed by the committee of instructors. Once admitted to the program, you will be contacted by email and your 40% non-refundable deposit ($1540) will be due within two weeks. The remainder of the tuition will be due at the beginning of May, one month prior to the start of the Program. If no deposit is received, you will be notified that your position in the program has been forfeited.

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