Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Will I be able to communicate with my family?
    Absolutely! Each student will have several hours per day of free time. We encourage students to call family and friends, and post our activities to social media.

  2. Do I have to stay in the McNeese residency hall on campus if I am a local student?
    Yes, we will be conducting a lot of nighttime field work, and our hours of arrival will vary depending on a lot of factors. In addition, we think that living with your fellow students during the three-week program enhances your experience, and creates bonds that could last a lifetime.

  3. Will I have a roommate?
    The residency hall in which our students will stay have a 4-bedroom/2 bathroom format, with a common living area. Each student will have their own bedroom and share a bathroom with one other student. The suites are beautifully built, with wood floors and modern furnishings. Please see the floor plan and photos here. All living arrangements will involve students of the same gender within a residency unit. We will also have background-checked counselors in the residency halls.

  4. Is my deposit refundable?
    All deposits are 100% non-refundable, for any occasion, regardless of individual circumstances including difficulties with health, weather or travel. We use the deposits to gauge the size of our student population in the course, and these funds are used to purchase shirts, backpacks, notebooks, and field gear for the students. In addition, these funds are used to secure living quarters and insurance for the program.

  5. Who does the laundry during the program?
    The students are responsible for their own laundry. The program will provide laundry soap and the residency halls have laundry rooms, all free of charge.